What is the Inrush Current Duration of a MEAN WELL Power Supply?
We are sometimes asked what is the rated inrush current duration of a MEAN WELL power supply?
This can be a tricky question to answer.
MEAN WELL only publishes inrush current duration and recommended circuit breaker loading for their LED drivers. This information is found in the product data sheet.
No such data published data for all the power supplies that MEAN WELL manufactures.
What we suggest is that you find an LED driver with a similar electrical output to the power supply you are intending to use and use the information in that data sheet as a guide.
For example. If you wanted to know the inrush current of the MEAN WELL DRC-100A, you could look up the data sheet for the MEAN WELL HLG-100H driver, which has the same power output.

The HLG-100H's inrush current is 60A (the same as the DRC-100A) and the duration is 415µS.
The inrush current is the same so we may assume that the duration figure will also be the same for the DRC-100A.
For circuit breaker loading. MEAN WELL recommends a maximum of 4 units on a 16A “B” curve breaker. Interpolating from this figure, it would be safe to say that you could run 2 DRC-100A units from a 10A “B” curve breaker without using an inrush current limiter.
Please do not hesitate to contact Power Supplies Australia if you have a question concerning MEAN WELL power supplies. A member of our expert team will gladly answer any questions you may have.